New Publication by Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer in World Development [10.05.2023]
"The scientific revolution and its implications for long-run economic development" with Klaus Prettner and Paul Tscheuschner more
New Publication by Ramona Schmid in "Review of Regional Research" [25.04.2023]
Migration and wage inequality: a detailed analysis for German metropolitan and non-metropolitan regionsmore
From the Death of God to the Rise of Hitler [19.04.2023]
Lecture by Sascha O. Becker, April 27, 4pm, Balcony Roommore
New Article in the magazine Wirtschaftsdienst by Franziska Schünemann [17.04.2023]
"Impact of the Ukraine War on the Global Agri-Food Sector", published in April, 2023 in Wirtschaftsdienst, 103(13), 32-36more
Economics Out of House - Lectures in April [05.04.2023]
The members of the Hohenheim Department of Economics regularly present their research at conferences, in committees, at other universities and research institutions, etc.more
New program "Research Seminar in Economics" Summer term 2023 [05.04.2023]
The Research Seminar in Economics starts on April 12. 2023.more