Significant and Relevant -
Research at the Department of Economics

The goal of research at the Department of Economics at the University of Hohenheim is to gain valuable insights of high social relevance. The regular professional discourse in Hohenheim (e.g., in the Research Seminar in Economics), the interdisciplinary work with other departments of our university and our broad research network ensure the quality and continuous development of our research. Guiding and encouraging our junior scientists in their own research projects and ideas is a core component of our research mission.

Our research results are regularly published in leading international peer-reviewed journals (e.g., American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy). Our scientific work makes a valuable contribution to socially relevant topics. In doing so, we consciously pursue novel conceptual approaches and dare to ask unusual questions in order to gain new insights. Our research projects are supported by numerous different third-party funding sources.