Brown Bag Seminar

In this doctoral seminar, doctoral students from the University of Hohenheim can present their ongoing work and get feedback from other doctoral students and faculty members. Presented work can either be empirical or theoretical, but should have an economic focus. Note that the emphasis of this seminar is on informal debate and an exchange of views and ideas. The presentation of preliminary research ideas is just as welcome as the presentation of full-fledged papers. This seminar can also act as a platform to prepare doctoral students for a conference presentation or for their thesis defense. Finally, with this seminar, students and faculty members stay up to date about the research taking place in our faculty.

Summer term 2024

The Brown Bag Seminar this summer was the perfect opportunity for exchanging thoughts, networking and getting to know each other better.

The seminar have again taken place as a block seminar; this year at the Tagungszentrum der Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung in Bad Urach: Tuesday, June 25  to Wednesday, June 26, 2024. It was the perfect opportunity to present new ideas or the results of the ongoing research of qour young scientists. Also important was the lively informal exchange about the own research and that of the others during the meals and recreational activities. The seminar offers a great opportunity to get deeper insights into the research activities of the others and to gain inspiration for your own research.

Program Sommer term 2024

Giuseppe Cappellari: Non-local experts, perception of the public administration and institutional trustTim Ruberg: Infrastructure and Business TaxationLennart Fischer: Evaluation von Methoden zur Parameterschätzung in agentenbasierten ModellenLea Weiz: Fiscal Externalities of Third-Party Reporting - Evidence from PortugalMatthias Fauth: The Granularity of German Imports and Exposure to Foreign Shocks: An Empirical AnalysisSascha Satlukal: Gender Differences in Reservation Wages: New Evidence for GermanyFire Side Chat: Success in Academia: PhD and BeyondWalk & Talk: Inspirations for Research



Program Previous Winter term 2023/24

17/10/2023 Kylie Braegelmann:
The impact of sentiment on market reaction to CEO announcements

24/10/2023 Julius Kraft:
(Un)Insurable Shock Components in the Euro Area

07/11/2023 Franziska Brall:
Unemployment Benefits in a Task-Based Matching Model: The Impact of Hartz IV Revisited

21/11/2023 Junlai Zhang:
Measuring Well-Being Beyond GDP: Education & Environment-Adjusted Healthy Lifetime Income Estimates for 175 Countries

05/12/2023 Benjamin Bätz

12/12/2023 Domenic Franjic

16/01/2024 Victoria Krautter

23/01/2024 Giuseppe Cappellari:
Emigration and the Response of Firms in Eastern Germany

Program Previous Summer term 2023

Sascha Satlukal: Gender Differences in Labor Market Expectations and Wages

Amelia Espey: Expert Insights and Future Scenarios for the Plant-based Alternative Sector

Jasmin Vietz: Leveraging Religious Leaders to Increase Voluntary Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania

Julius Kraft: (A)Symmetric Shocks in the Euro Area

Tim Ruberg: Public Alerts and Health: Evidence from Japan

Victoria Krautter: Strategic Interactions in Fiscal Federalism

Giuseppe Cappellari: Strangers or helpers? Bureaucracy and Trust in East Germany

Program Previous Winter term 2022/23

January 24, 2023   Fan Meng: "Trends in the subjective well-being of never-married people in seven countries"

January 10, 2023   Katrin Buchali: "Algorithmic Collusion"

December 20, 2022   Johannes Singer: "Stigmatisation of gamblers in social media - A mixed-methos topic modeling approach for YouTube-comments"

December 06, 2022   Fabian Wahl:"The Geological Origins of Civilization"

November 29, 2022   Viktoria Krautter:"Strategic Interaction and Public Debt in Fiscal Federalism"

November 22, 2022   Julius Kraft: "Strategic Responses to Federal Fiscal Transfers in Monetary Unions"

November 15, 2022  Tim Ruberg:"Heterogeneity in Long-Term Returns to Education: An Inconvenient Truth" 

November 8, 2022   Tim Philippi: "Comparing premium subsidy designs and their effect on insurance demand" 

October 25, 2022   Dr. Vadim Kufenko: "Game Over: Analyzing exclusions across multiple provider"

Program Previous Summer term 2022

Katrin Buchali: Algorithmic Collusion

Matthias Muijs: A Cluster-based Analysis of Cartel Price Markups

Julius Kraft: Strategic Reactions to Transfers in Fiscal Federalism

Victoria Krautter: Strategic Interaction and Public Debt in Fiscal Federalism

Jens Grueb: Collusive Behavior of Heterogeneous Deep Learning Agents

In Woo Kim: The Role of Identity in Environmental Valuation: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Study in China

Pranav Patil: NOT SO PERFECT: Labor-Capital Dynamics in African Agriculture

Marta Parigi: The effect of Israeli settler violence on Palestinian food security

Matthias Fauth: Quantitative Trade, Heterogeneous Firms and Welfare

Giuseppe Cappellari: Financial and Non-financial Incentives for Bureaucrats: Evidence from German Reunification

Fan Meng: Obesity Inequality and Well-Being in Germany

Ramona Schmid: Migration and Wage Inequality. A Detailed Analysis for German Regions over Time