Courageous and Full of Ideas -
Young Research at the Department

Our young scientists are strong in research. Their ideas testify to scientific courage and intelligent questions. Their outstanding professional knowledge is intensified by continuous dialogue and joint research with senior researchers. Together with junior economists at the University of Tübingen, they have created a forum for the discussion and development of research projects: Next Generation Economics. Our Research Seminar and private office hours offer the opportunity to discuss their current research with international guests. In the Brown Bag Seminar, they benefit from the exchange within their peer group.
We encourage our young scientists to attend international conferences and meetings and to present their own research to scientific audiences. This allows them to build their own network in the scientific community.
In our Doctoral Study Program we offer a structured program with courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and micro and time series econometrics. In addition to these courses, 3 out of 4 of which are compulsory, we offer a wide range of electives.